Of course I named the show after the great album by the Smittens and I pay homage to the band by using a clip of their song 11:11 for my theme. I hope the band doesn't mind, but when I have talked to various members of the band after shows they seem like nice people whom I think would be good with it.

I also use this name for my DJ night happening occasionally at the Jane Bond in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Note that the links to shows older than 6 months might not be working, if you really want those shows please send me an email and I can get them to you. (Note that prior to 2018 I called my podcast FireballXL5, so don't be confused if you look at an old setlist)

Special thanks to Jeff Woods for finding my a place to host my mp3s!

March 2019

Hey 2018 is so over, that's why the first set consisted of only songs released in 2019.  Some of them were singles from upcoming albums that I'm now very interested in hearing.  Some older (maybe over a year) songs in the next set and I ended off with some laid back indie pop tracks.

Best song I heard since the last show: True Blossom - Me and You, hear the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeTYi8rk2iw

Links from the show:

Pick up the True Blossom album here (like I did):

Pick up the single by Harlequin Gold:

Learn about the Sorry Girls and see the fun video for Waking Up here:

You can download the latest show directly here:

For information on how to sign up for the podcast or join the Facebook group, see the bottom of this message.

The Coolest Thing About Love Setlist - March 2019
TALK - Theme
True Blossom - Me and You
Sacred Paws - Brush Your Hair
Piroshko - Everlasting Yours
Zebra Hunt - See Through You
Kiwi Jr - Leslie
Harlequin Gold - Without You Now
Potty Mouth - Starry Eyes
Sorry Girls - Waking Up
Swimming Tapes - Souvenirs
Dot Dash - Gray Blue Green
Earache - Voices
Sunni Colón - Summer Blu
Taken By Trees - Wait
Launder - Keep You Close
Pynkie - Dew
TALK - Random Ending
Those Dancing Days - Can't Find Entrance

The Coolest Thing About Love Podcast Homepage: thecoolestthingaboutlove.ca

Podcast link: thecoolestthingaboutlove.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-coolest-thing-about-love/id1345146134

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Coolest-Thing-About-Love-Podcast-225528710795185/