Of course I named the show after the great album by the Smittens and I pay homage to the band by using a clip of their song 11:11 for my theme. I hope the band doesn't mind, but when I have talked to various members of the band after shows they seem like nice people whom I think would be good with it.

I also use this name for my DJ night happening occasionally at the Jane Bond in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Note that the links to shows older than 6 months might not be working, if you really want those shows please send me an email and I can get them to you. (Note that prior to 2018 I called my podcast FireballXL5, so don't be confused if you look at an old setlist)

Special thanks to Jeff Woods for finding my a place to host my mp3s!

June 22, 2012

At the end of May I went to Barcelona to attend the Primavera Music Festival, it was a great experience with a crazy number of bands that played till 5 am for 3 nights.  The festival site was along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, the weather was beautiful and the city itself is pretty amazing.  The highlight of the festival was the 3 hour set that The Cure did, but it was also good to find out about some bands that I didn't know about that I really enjoyed.

Best song I heard since the last show -  The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
See the classic video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8CDERzun4k

Websites I mentioned during the show:

Hopefully everybody can see my set of pictures of the bands I saw at Primavera here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150942725736794.415617.604426793&type=1&l=708909d260

See 36 different Primavera performances:

You can download the latest show directly here:

For information on how to sign up for the podcast or join the Facebook group, see the bottom of this message.

Fireball XL5 Setlist - June 22, 2012
TALK - Theme
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
Pegasvs - Atlantico
Beach Fossils - Sometimes
Saint Etienne - Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Girls Names - I Lose
M83 - Don't Save Us From The Flames
Sandro Perri - Impossible Spaces
Bleached - Think Of You
Chairlift - Bruises
Girls - Ghostmouth
Neon Indian - Polish Girl
Death In Vegas - Dirt
Boxeur The Coeur - Our Glowing Days
The XX - Islands
B. Fleischmann and Mr. John Soda - Here She comes
I'm From Barcelona - We're From Barcelona

Fireball XL5 Podcast Homepage: http://www.fireballxl5.ca/

Podcast link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19384881/fireballxl5.rss

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fireball-XL5-Podcast/225528710795185

1 comment:

  1. Cool music! I've played all podcasts from December 2012 back to June, simply adding the mp3 URL directly into Winamp, listening to them in the background while I work.
    You have an error in the mp3 link in this post, but I found the correct link in the rss. :)
    Before I found out the rss, I tried the May show, but noticed another error in the mp3 link (it links to April show). :)
    Please edit or remove this comment when you fix the links, since most of this won't make any sense then.
    Also, I'm a huge fan of Beach Fossils! Discovered them sometime in September I think. :)
